MetaCTF CyberGames 2021

Dec 3 @ 3pm - Dec 5 @ 3pm (US Eastern)

Starting Friday, December 3rd, 2021, MetaCTF will host it's 7th annual virtual jeopardy-style CTF! This event is free and open to everyone, and participants can compete in teams of up to 4.

This CTF will challenge participants of all skill levels to learn new cybersecurity techniques and skills, with problems covering a variety of topics such as web exploitation, cryptography, binary exploitation, reverse engineering, forensics, and reconnaissance.

Participants will have opportunities to network with sponsors and recruiters. Throughout the CTF, we will be livestreaming a series of talks, problem walkthroughs, and sessions with well-known cybersecurity professionals who will share career advice and talk about what it's like to work in different areas of cybersecurity. Speakers include @mubix, @_JohnHammond, @hackandbackpack, @nfosek, @Prof_DanG, and more!

Never done a CTF? No problem! This event does not require any previous cybersecurity experience, and CTFs are a great way to get started in cybersecurity. While there will still be plenty of hard problems for those looking for a challenge, the goal is for you to walk away with some new techniques and skills. We will cover how to use the platform and how CTFs work in the opening talk. We will also be available for questions throughout the competition on Discord. You can also check out our last year's CTF for practice.

Prizes? Yes! Top 5 teams will receive the following prizes per team.

  • 1st place: $2,000
  • 2nd place: $1,000
  • 3rd place: $500
  • 4th place: $200
  • 5th place: $200

Top 3 student teams will win at least $1,000, $750, and $500 respectively, regardless of where they place overall. In addition, we'll be giving out several PWK vouchers (the OSCP certification course) and a voucher for an AND Course. More information to follow.

Top 50 teams will also receive swag bags and T-shirts. Note that we may not be able to ship swag and send money to participants outside the United States, but it will be determined on a case by case basis.

Interested in sponsoring? We are looking for supporters looking to recruit tech talent or promote their product/services. For more information, please email

Open to everyone worldwide!
(students, professionals, beginners, etc)

Teams of up to 4
(no limit on the number of teams per school)

Dec 3 @ 3pm -
Dec 5 @ 3pm
(US Eastern)


$10k+ in prizes, swag, and vouchers

Cost? Participation is FREE



Rules and Code of Conduct


LIVE Top Registered Universities

  1. University of Virginia
  2. Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation
  3. Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediène
  4. Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)
  5. George Mason University
  6. DeSales University
  7. Northern Virginia Community College
  8. Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT)
  9. Liberty University
  10. University of Florida
  11. Texas A & M University
  12. Longwood University
  13. University of Maryland - Baltimore County
  14. Virginia Tech
  15. Rochester Institute of Technology
  16. ... see top 50

Fill out this form ( if you'd like to have an private scoreboard for participants from your school, company, community, class, etc.

Last Year's Winners

  1. KernelPoppers (Dakota State)
  2. redpwn (Multiple Schools)
  3. tjcsc (TJHSST)
  4. Seriously Rad Engineers
  5. Debugmen (Battelle / GMU)
  6. GreenHat (Microsoft)
  7. Pwnzorz (Multiple schools)
  8. SpaceDawgs (UMBC)
  9. gaming (University of Liverpool)
  10. A1ph4Z3r0 (Multiple Schools)

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a CTF?

A cybersecurity Capture The Flag (CTF) event is a competition designed to teach and test a variety of different computer skills. There are different types of CTFs, but ours is jeopardy-style. Your goal as a competitor will be to solve solve a variety of security-related tasks by analyzing provided materials (a log file, an encrypted message) or breaking into a vulnerable application (an simulated online banking app). The goal of a competition like this is to learn, so you're expected to research and use the internet during the competition to figure out how to solve the challenges.

What is a flag?

The goal of each CTF problem is to find a "flag," which is a string of text that you can submit for points. For example, flags can be obtained by cracking ciphers, hacking into vulnerable websites, analyzing log files, etc. Each challenge will provide you with the information you need to get started.

Help! I don't know any cybersecurity stuff.

Whether you're a student interested in the field or an adult thinking about changing careers, this is a great opportunity to explore the cybersecurity field, learn new skills, and compete for prizes. The event will also include a livestream with talks, problem walkthroughs, tutorials, and career advice from industry professionals. Participants will have the opportunity to network with others in the security community. No experience is required to participate!

How can I practice?

Check out our CTF from 2020!

Will there be any hard challenges?

Yes! Even though our CTF is aimed at introducing participants to cybersecurity, we'll still have plenty of difficult problems for those looking for a challenge.

Can a team have students from multiple schools?

Yes! You can also have students and non-students in the same team as well.

Don't have a team?

You should still participate! We have a Discord bot on our server that you can use to help you find a team.

How do I register?

Start here. After creating a MetaCTF account on our website, you'll need to use the link above to sign up for this specific event. The demographics and recruiting questions are optional.

If you're looking to work in teams, the first person on the team will need to create it and share the "join code" with others. Teams can be changed after registration.


Offensive Security
No Starch Press
Black Hills Information Security
Linux Professional Institute